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Is It Bad to Wash Face in The Shower? – The Undecided Debate

The answer is No, washing your face in the shower is not harmful. However, you may run into trouble if you make some common face washing mistakes, which can be easily avoided with the right knowledge.

In this article, we’ll discuss these mistakes to avoid and provide information on how to properly wash your face in the shower. Additionally, we’ll address a common concern – does washing your face in the shower cause acne or other skin problems?

It’s important to note that using premium face washes can help prevent skin problems. So, if you’re using a high-quality cleanser, you can enjoy the benefits of washing your face in the shower without worrying about negative effects.

So, grab your towel and get ready to learn how to properly care for your skin while washing your face in the shower. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to pamper your face and keep your skin looking healthy and glowing.

Common Face Washing Mistakes to Avoid

Apart from washing your face in the shower, there are some common face washing mistakes you should avoid. Here are a few:

Washing Face With Hot Water or Under Steamy Shower

Many people believe that washing their face with hot or cold water is suitable for their skin. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes people make when washing their face. Using water that is too hot can strip your skin of its natural oils, resulting in damaged and dry skin. This is particularly problematic for individuals with rosacea, sensitive skin, or acne-prone skin.

Another issue with hot water is that it can burst delicate blood vessels and is not suitable for sensitive skin. However, there is no evidence to support this claim, according to a board-certified dermatologist.

While cold water has some benefits, it also has a few key disadvantages. Cold water can trap bacteria, debris, and dirt inside your skin pores, and it’s not ideal for acne-prone skin.

Therefore, the water temperature you use when washing your face is critical. The American Academy of Dermatology advises washing your face with lukewarm water, which is not too hot or too cold. The water temperature in the shower should be medium warm, so it exfoliates well and doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils.

By using the right water temperature, you can keep your skin healthy, clean, and glowing. So, the next time you wash your face, remember to use lukewarm water and avoid the common mistakes that can harm your skin.

washing face

Not Using Cotton Pads or Washcloths

Some men use their fingers to wash their face, but this can fail to deep clean your face properly. Bacteria under your fingernails can easily transfer to your face, so it’s essential to wash your hands before washing your face.

Instead, it is recommended to use cotton pads or a fresh washcloth to clean your face post-washing. Be sure not to reuse the same washcloth, as this can transfer bacteria.

Overwashing Your Face

Washing your face can be tempting, especially if your skin overproduces sebum oil or you are exposed to sun and pollution frequently. However, overwashing your face is not advisable. It can deplete your natural oils, resulting in skin irritation and even acne breakouts.

It is recommended to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

Using Harsh Soaps

Many men use harsh soaps to remove dirt, sweat, debris, or gunk from their faces. However, this can harm your skin by stripping away essential sebum oils.

It is essential to use a mild cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. Look for products that are labeled as “gentle” or “non-irritating” and avoid using soaps that contain harsh chemicals. By doing so, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Using Alcohol-Based Facial Washes

It’s a common belief that using cleansers is the best way to keep your face clean and clear. While this is true, it’s important to use a gentle, hypoallergenic, and non-abrasive cleanser, rather than one that contains alcohol. Cleansers that contain alcohol can dry out the skin and cause irritation, which can worsen existing skin problems such as acne and rosacea.

Additionally, some men believe that using microbead-based cleansers is effective. However, these products can damage the outer layer of your skin. Overuse or aggressive massage can weaken your skin, leading to enlarged pores.

Dermatologists recommend using a facial cleanser that matches your skin type. For example:

Skin TypeFace Cleanser
Combination or Oily Skin
  • Anti-inflammatory cleanser
  • Gel Cleanser
  • Foaming Cleanser
Dry Skin
  • Hydrating Gel Cleanser
  • Creamy Cleansing Lotions

Once you know which cleanser is best for your skin type, the next step is to determine your skin type. However, before moving on, it’s essential to address one last mistake that many men make during their cleansing routine.

Skipping Facial Moisturizer

Washing your face with a gentle cleanser is only the first step. Afterward, it’s crucial to apply a facial moisturizer to hydrate your skin and lock in moisture. This step is often overlooked, but it’s just as important as cleansing.

In conclusion, avoiding alcohol-based facial washes, using a suitable cleanser for your skin type, and applying a facial moisturizer are essential steps in maintaining healthy skin. By following these guidelines, you can avoid the common mistakes that many men make during their cleansing routine.

Not Rinsing Properly

One of the most important steps in the face washing process is rinsing your face thoroughly. Not rinsing your face properly can leave residue on your skin, such as dirt, oil, and makeup. This residue can clog your pores, leading to breakouts and other skin problems.

To avoid this mistake, make sure you are rinsing your face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Pay close attention to the areas around your nose, hairline, and jawline, as these are areas where residue can easily accumulate. Using a gentle cleanser can also help remove any leftover residue and leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed.

Rubbing Your Skin Too Hard

Rubbing your skin too hard can be tempting, especially when you are trying to remove stubborn makeup or oil. However, this mistake can be damaging to your skin’s surface, causing irritation and inflammation.

When you rub your skin too hard, you can cause small tears in the skin’s surface, making it more susceptible to infection and irritation. This can also lead to redness, swelling, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

To avoid this mistake, use a light hand when washing your face. Apply gentle pressure with your fingertips and massage your cleanser into your skin in a circular motion. Avoid using rough washcloths or other abrasive tools that can damage your skin’s surface.

Busting Some Facial Washing Myths

There are several myths about washing your face that we need to debunk. Here are a few:

  • Myth: Hot water opens up your pores. Truth: Hot water can actually strip your skin of its natural oils and cause dryness and irritation.
  • Myth: You need to scrub your face hard to get it clean. Truth: Scrubbing your face too hard can damage your skin’s surface and cause inflammation.
  • Myth: Washing your face more than twice a day is better for your skin. Truth: Over-washing your face can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.
  • Myth: You don’t need to moisturize if you have oily skin. Truth: Moisturizing is important for all skin types, including oily skin. It helps to balance your skin’s natural oils and prevent dryness.
  • Myth: You can use any soap to wash your face. Truth: Using regular soap can be too harsh on your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. It’s essential to use a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type.

How to Wash Your Face in the Shower

If you prefer to wash your face in the shower, here are some tips to help you do it properly.

Step 1: Adjust the Water Temperature

The first step is to adjust the water temperature. Instead of using hot water, which can be too harsh on your skin, use lukewarm water. It’s essential to test the water temperature with your hand or elbow to avoid burning your skin.

Step 2: Cleanse Your Skin

Once you’ve adjusted the water temperature, it’s time to cleanse your skin. Use a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type, and apply it to your fingertips. Massage your skin in circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water, making sure there’s no residue left on your skin.

Step 3: Moisturize Your Skin

After washing your face, it’s crucial to moisturize your skin. Moisturizing helps to restore your skin’s natural balance and prevent dryness. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and apply it to your damp skin. This will help to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated.

Pros and Cons of Washing Your Face in the Shower


One of the advantages of washing your face in the shower is that it’s convenient and efficient. It saves time, especially in the mornings when you’re rushing to get ready for the day. Additionally, the warm water and steam can help to wake you up and open up your pores for better cleansing.


On the other hand, there are some downsides to washing your face in the shower. The hot water and steam can strip the natural oils from your skin, which can lead to dryness, irritation, and breakouts. Harsh exfoliators and scrubs can also damage your skin, causing redness and inflammation. Additionally, the water pressure from the showerhead can be too strong and cause more harm than good.

Q: Is it bad to wash your face in the shower?

A: No, it is not bad to wash your face in the shower as long as you avoid common mistakes and follow the right procedure.

Q: What are the common mistakes to avoid when washing your face in the shower?

A: Common mistakes to avoid when washing your face in the shower include using too hot or too cold water, not using cotton pads or a fresh washcloth, overwashing your face, using harsh soaps, and using alcohol-based facial washes.

Q: What is the right way to wash your face in the shower?

A: The right way to wash your face in the shower is to use lukewarm water, a gentle cleanser that matches your skin type, and a fresh washcloth or cotton pads.

Q: Why should I use lukewarm water to wash my face in the shower?

A: Lukewarm water is the best temperature for washing your face in the shower because it helps to exfoliate well without stripping away the natural oils produced by your skin.

Should you always use a facial cleanser?

It is not mandatory to always use a facial cleanser. If you are in a hurry, you can wash your face with warm water and start your day. Make sure you end your day with a proper face washing routine that includes the use of a facial wash. It ensures the removal of dirt, debris, pollutants, and impurities.


When it comes to taking care of our skin, washing our face is a crucial step in our daily routine. However, there is a debate on whether it’s a good idea to wash your face in the shower. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of washing your face in the shower and provide tips for how to do it properly.

In conclusion, washing your face in the shower can be convenient and efficient, but it’s important to do it properly. Adjust the water temperature, use a gentle cleanser, and moisturize your skin after washing.

Additionally, avoid common face washing mistakes and bust some facial washing myths. By following these tips, you can keep your skin healthy, clean, and glowing.

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